What is eCREAM?

eCREAM – enabling Clinical Research in Emergency and Acute care Medicine – is a 5-year Horizon Europe project led by the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research (Milan, Italy).

The eCREAM consortium includes 11 partners from 8 European countries (France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, UK).

The central aim of the project is to enable clinical and quality of care assessment research using data extracted directly from Electronic Health Records (EHR) of Emergency Departments (ED).

Users & Citizens

For eCREAM, the citizen’s point of view is a priority. The project’s ultimate aim is to improve healthcare, and patients are the natural stakeholders in this project. 

eCREAM will develop tools to ensure the empowerment of users, including citizens and policymakers.


Latest News

New publication

La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali N. 3/2024
Enrico Maria Piras (article in italian)


On 5th April 2025 in Italy there will be a conference about 'Clinical medicine and artificial intelligence.'

EHR meeting 2025 - Greece

On the 6th and 7th of February the eCREAM team met in in Heraklion (Crete) at School of Medicine of Crete

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