Development of a multipurpose dashboard to monitor the situation of Emergency Departments

health care business graph data and growth, Medical examination and doctor analyzing medical report network connection on tablet screen.

The Use Case 2 study aims to design and test three dashboards aimed to empower healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients by giving them easy access to real-time information on individual EDs tailored specifically to their needs. Providing such information makes it possible to improve the crowding status and the management of the entire flow of patients in the ED.

For healthcare providers, the dashboard will provide a clear and immediate picture of the ED situation in terms of patient flow and workflow; for healthcare policymakers, the dashboard will provide the ability to monitor specific phenomena of interest, such as ED crowding level, possible incidence of pre-specified epidemiological phenomena, availability and timeliness of primary and secondary patient transfers, ambulance offload delays, etc.; for citizens, the dashboard will be designed to empower them to choose the most appropriate ED to attend or to consider a different, more relevant or more efficient, health service.

The dashboards will be fed by various hospital information systems automatically (ED electronic health records and laboratory and radiology services), and will be evaluated for user-perceived usefulness.

Primary objectives:


To design a set of organisational and epidemiological indicators for healthcare providers and policymakers, based on their needs, to monitor the ED’s activities and the population accessing the service.


To develop dashboards for healthcare providers and policymakers to deliver, in real-time, the information derived from the developed indicators.


To design an online service for citizens reporting real-time information on ED crowding levels, categories of symptoms and where they can be treated, and the healthcare services currently available in the area.

Secondary objective:


To evaluate the usefulness and appropriateness of the dashboards, as perceived by the end-users.

See the protocol for more information:

Study protocol - Development of a multipurpose dashboard to monitor the situation of emergency departments.

Bertolini G, Ghilardi GI, Pandolfini C, Nattino G, Catania F, Banzi R (2024).