In line with the principles of open science, eCREAM is committed to promoting transparency, accessibility and collaboration at all stages of research and innovation, and to maximising the scientific and societal impact of the project.

eCREAM has an open access strategy that foresees that, as they emerge, all eCREAM outputs will comply with the FAIR principles (making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). The approach increases usability of the project outputs by a wide range of users outside the consortium, including patient advocacy groups, clinicians, policymakers, and researchers, while ensuring compliance with ethical, legal and societal requirements, in particular the GDPR and national implementations of data protection regulations.

The sharing of the project’s research and results beyond publications is being ensured through our website, social networks, and, especially, through our recently launched Zenodo eCREAM community. Through this online community we are making all eCREAM research results available, including deliverables, milestones, protocols, research articles, datasets, and research software.

Additionally, the databases created, based on their potential users, will be made available outside the consortium via the MIP (Medical Informatics Platform), a data-sharing platform that enables secondary use of data, and the main European platforms for language resource sharing, including the European Language Grid repository, the CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory, and the European Language Equality (ELE) initiative.