The eCREAM project – enabling Clinical Research in Emergency and Acute care Medicine – is a 5-year Horizon Europe project led by the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research (IRFMN, Italy). The eCREAM consortium includes 11 partners from 8 European countries (France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, UK).
The central aim of the project is to enable clinical and quality of care assessment research using data extracted directly from the Electronic Health Records (EHR) of Emergency Departments (ED).
To reach this goal eCREAM has three main objectives:

To develop new technical solutions
to extract reliable clinical information from structured and unstructured data contained in different electronic patient files

To pilot the exploitation of the established databases
in two relevant use cases: i) assessment of ED propensity to hospitalise a patient, and ii) development of a dashboard to be used by citizens and policymakers to improve the quality of care in ED

To FAIRify
(i.e., make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable) the established databases for clinicians, researchers, health policymakers, and citizens while respecting European and national legislations