Partecipants & Consortium

The eCREAM consortium brings together three different types of partners, each contributing a specific contextual background. They together represent a wide range of expertise, interests, and, importantly, connection to other networks for enhancing information for maximum coverage of eCREAM activities and findings.

Clinical partners: the 35 EDs involved in the project, belonging to 7 different countries (Italy, Greece, UK, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Poland). These EDs, in addition to their clinical expertise, will bring different perspectives into the consortium since they have different hospital dimensions, different kinds of IT providers and not all are university-affiliated. The heterogeneity of participating EDs is crucial to properly design and assess the usefulness of the eCREAM tools in various real-world situations.

The participating EDs in each country will be involved as third parties. They will provide clinical expertise to inform:

  1. the development of the NLP system to extract relevant information from clinical notes (WP1);
  2. the design and development of the eCREAM ED-EHR (WP3);
  3. the identification of the most appropriate set of predictors (related to patient’s characteristics and the context where emergency physicians operate) that impact the decision to hospitalise a patient or not (WP4);
  4. the interpretation of the results and the discussion on their application to local organization and practice (WP8).

Technical partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Orobix Life, and Astir have extensive experience in developing clinical software, each with a specific insight.

Scientific partners: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN), and Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS (IRFMN) will contribute with all their scientific expertise.

Technical partners


Trento, Italy

is a non-profit research institute of excellence dedicated to innovative technologies and AI. This solid infrastructure will take care of developing the eCREAM’s EHR and the NLP system, which will provide structured health information from free-text notes.

Orobix Life

Bergamo, Italy

founded in 2021 from Orobix Srl, is an Italian Innovative Start-up company with the mission of developing AI solutions for Life Science. OROBIX Life will manage the computational analytics effort, bridging the NLP embeddings with its stratification and predictive models developed for the two use cases in WP4.


Milano, Italy

is an SME dedicated to ICT development for health and public administration. It is specialised in the design, implementation and management of IT systems, particularly in emergency medicine. Thanks to this experience, Astir will lead WP2, designing and developing modular software that will interact with hospital databases to automatically extract information from them.

Scientific partners


Lausanne, Switzerland

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois will provide the MIP developed by HBP, a scientific project co-funded by the European Commission aimed at building research infrastructure to help advance neuroscience, medicine, computing and brain-inspired technologies; MIP federates, in a secure way, patient data located in hospitals around the world, helping researchers in their work. 


Paris, France

European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network is a sustainable, not-for-profit, distributed infrastructure with the legal status of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). ECRIN has essential FAIRification and ELSI expertise on board and will lead WP5.


Ranica (BG), Italy

The clinical epidemiology laboratory of Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, the project coordinator, has a long experience in managing studies to evaluate and improve health care assistance